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Roberto Dani - drums & compositions
Henning Sieverts - cello
Glauco Venier - piano
Norma Winstone - voice
These are lovely, well-played pieces for a quartet anchored by Italian percussionist Roberto Dani, and featuring the gorgeous vocals of Norma Winstone. This cleverly paced set includes twelve compositions by the leader, interspersed with five short group improvisations. Melodies and harmonics are simple, but the whole evokes a pleasing charm. There is imagery at work here, as a sort of impressionism pervades, but one not void of substantial content. The sensuous cello of Henning Sieverts and the lilting piano of Glauco Venier add to the mood, while Dani's impressive contributions lay a sensitive grounding. The deep, emotional tones in Winstone's voice bring out the best in the group - she commands her voice like an instrument, with very carefully conceived lines and a soft, sultry sound.
Released 2000
by Roberto Daniwith Norma Winstone, Glauco Venier